The Demo Tapes
A Collection of Rarities and Experiments
(Especially prepared for Creative Loafing)
The following videos were made by Video Shampoo and are all first-attempts, studies or sketches. Some were experiments, others were commissioned, but they all mark a starting line from which the potential is yuge.
Please consider this to be the beginning. We can certainly grow bigger and better from this humble start.
Raw News Event Coverage
Protest Winter
Served fresh: raw, news-style event coverage, driven by onscreen text or vocal narration, designed for fast turnaround.
Video Press Release
Kozuba Distillery Opens in St. Pete
A video press release format, driven by on-location interviews, onscreen text, music and creative graphics.
OpNom: NASA's Saffire-II
Short documentaries that tell the stories of interesting people, places, or happenings in ninety-seconds or less. Vocal narration or on-camera producer.
Musical Performances
Jun Bustamante "Remember You Are Dreaming"
Exclusive live performances, all up in the face, with show and tell at the end.
Conceptual Interviews
Studio@620: Say Yes
Multi-interview driven stories that explain an idea, event, or person.
(This video was for a closed audience and might not be relevant outside of that audience. But its multi-interview format could be very relevant for Creative Loafing.)